Polly Pigtails Returns to Alderfer Auction!

Polly Pigtails Returns to Alderfer Auction!
Just this past week, Alderfer Auction had a walk-in visitor, who brought a friend in that once was auctioned off decades ago. Her name was Polly Pigtails, a antique Madam Alexander doll from the 1950's era that was also at one point, a series of magazines for pre-teens. But the doll came in had a special story, brought to us by a family member who had purchased it many years ago. With a hand written letter in tote, and the vintage Polly, our hearts were warmed with the re-telling of an auction long ago.
"It all started when my mom decided to take my two year old little sister to Alderfer Auction. Not knowing about the hilarious adventures of the day, my mom buckled Sophia into her car seat and set off. As soon as they got to the auction, mom strapped Sophia into her stroller and walked inside. The air was cool and refreshing inside the air conditioned building. Mom passed all the people at the auction until she was almost to the front. Just then Sophia pointed to the table with odds and ends. "Doll" she said: a doll with two straight pigtails ied with red yarn, a red and green plaid dress, red nail polish on her fingers and toe nails, also little white buckle-up shoes. But mother did not hear her. "Doll" she said again. This time mother looked over to the table her daughter pointed to, but as she did this the auctioneer picked up the doll and started to auction it off. The lady, in the purple dress nexxt to Sophia put her number up and called out "Thirty Dollars Sir!" But just then Sophia sat tall in her stroller and reached her hand up as high as it would go! The lady next to her felt sorry and said "I can't run against this little tot!" And she didn't bid any higher than mom. "So it's settled then!" said the auctioneer. "SOLD to the lady with the little girl who raised her hand for doll Polly Pigtail"
He handed Sophia the doll, but what a problem occurred! Just as Sophia had the doll in her arms the dolls arms and legs fell into her empty hands. Here she was, a girl of two, sitting there with a body of a doll in her arms. "Uh oh" Sophia said. She giggled, soon everyone was laughing. That night mom put Sophia in her crib and put Polly Pigtail on the shelf. She gave Sophia a big hug, walked over to the lamp, turned out the light and whispered "Good night, good night my silly girl" and shut the door.
- Elizabeth Enns
The stories that come to us from our buyers years after their purchases make us remember why we are in the auction business --- we are in the people business. We help families consign items - sometimes after a loved one's death, when they are in need or simply need to downsize. On the other side of helping them, we are recycling special treasures for future generations and collections. Just as happy as we were to consign or appraise Polly Pigtails those many years ago, we are still here to do it again. If you have a story you'd like to share of your treasure, please reach out to us at info@alderferauction.com! Ready for an appraisal? Make an appointment with one of our specialists by calling 215-393-3000 today!